Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What time do we start?

The first time listed on the conference schedule was Wednesday at 9:00am. So, when asked last night, what time does the conference start, I said, 9:00. However, I never bothered to check and see what it said beside the listing of Wednesday at 9:00. :) Turns out it was registration.

So, we were all here at 9:00 ready to go. All of the folks were here by 9:40, so we went ahead and started.

There are 16 attendees here - Baptists and Presbyterians with the majority of them studying with Highland Theological College. It's a smaller, more intimate setting which will allow for good interaction with Harry and with each other.

By the way, the VERY well written blog post yesterday was by Ike. Maybe by the time it's over we'll have everyone blogging! We'll see.

Photos coming next.

Prayer for Wednesday:
1. Strength and stamina for Harry and the rest of us.
2. The attendees - to quickly connect with Harry and to take advantage of the intimate setting.
3. St. Columba's church - for the members to be encouraged as they serve.

Thanks for praying!

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