It's a rare occurrence when a Scotsman says to you, as you walk off a plane, "I'm sorry for all the rain." And you can honestly reply to him that it was worse were you came from. It was sprinkling and overcast when we did finally make it out of the airport in Glasgow six hours later than we were supposed to, but we arrived safely and with all our luggage -- always something to be thankful for in this day and age of travel hazards. We even got to have our picture taken and rechecked upon entering and leaving Heathrow airport, testing the new "biometric scanners" for the British government. God plans all things out with reason, though, and Harry had the chance to share Christ with a genetic researcher from Cambridge on the flight we were not supposed to be on. Praise the Lord!
So now we are at St. Columba's Parrish Church, setting everything up for the sixteen pastors who will begin their study tomorrow with Harry on church vitality. The kindness and the friendliness of the the members of St. Columba's has been wonderful, easily offsetting the generic frustrations of dealing with power converters, surge protectors and the general transfer of technology from one country to another. It is amazing, though, to be here and see the tradition of the Covenanteers and the Presbyterian church, to know that God is working and building revival in nation that had so much to do with the codification of our denomination.
Pray for the Harry and Tom tomorrow as they share how the Gospel of Christ impacts church vitaility and revival; pray for the pastors who are present, that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts and their churches to strengthen and renew their passion for the Gospel. We are so blessed to be a part of Christ's church globally and passionately; we are so blessed that you are reading this and following our progress and praying for us.
So glad you arrived safely. SO THANKFUL for the blog format - you are fun to read :)
Oh please! Don't get Harry Blogging! He's already joined facebook and over 200 people want to be his friend and that is just in 2 days! Ike, please. Your dad doesn't need to be "with it." Let's face it...he's not a "with it" kind of guy! Ugh...he might take offense! Sorry HLR.
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