We started off by singing a song, and then all the mothers went off to have tea and coffee while their children stayed in the group. There were four new children in the group last night, so a couple of their moms stayed to watch.
We first sang several more songs (the Americans were put to shame because we were not participating well enough in the hand motions - which we quickly corrected), then the pastor, whose first born has special needs told a story, then the leader led us in a game of matching pairs, and last everyone was directed to one of three tables to either plant some bulbs, make some banners or ice some cakes. We had to leave at that point to go to dinner, but everyone was set for a good time.

Go TEAM! thanks for the updates. it's interesting and more. what are your accomodations and food options these days? if you come back talking with an accent, we will know you were gone too long.
We are staying in normal hotel/lodge type situation that is very much what one would expect to find in the states. No one is talking with an accent yet, although Harry has tossed one out a time or two! But for those who spend any amount of time they know that's not unusual.... We have eaten in a couple of homes so far, and a 13C dungeon, which was quite an experience. In addition, Carolyn got her first taste of haggis -- which someone will have to ask her to explain!
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