Friday evening we joined the congregation of St. Columba’s at a barbecue on the banks of Loch Lomond. Each person brought his own grill which for some included a full-sized grill from their backyard. For others, it was a one-use grill that basically was an aluminum 9x13” pan that had coals in it and a criss-cross grill on top. You had to light the piece of cardboard at the top and let it warm up. Most folks grilled hamburgers or sausages. We were also introduced to a Scottish soft drink called IrnBru.
Cindy and I rode to the Loch with the pastor’s wife and one of their daughters, and when we arrived, several children and grandfather types were skipping rocks into the loch. After that, the footballs (soccer balls), frisbees and other toys came out. So, there was much running and playing and chatting among the adults. Each family group ate as their dinner got ready, but as it got dark, Pastor David asked Harry to give a short devotion around the flashlight. Harry spoke of our Savior and having a relationship with Him.
After that, everyone packed up and left. The gates of the park had closed, so we all had to climb over the gate to get out. Emma, Pastor David’s daughter wears braces on her legs, so she wasn’t very excited about climbing over the gate. However, after she did it successfully, she made sure that everyone else made it over safely – including Harry.
Watching Emma go over that gate and falling into her strong father’s arms reminded me of my own heavenly Father and the body of Christ around me. Emma saw the challenge and was afraid. It looked too difficult and seemed impossible. Her mother and sister helped her get up on the highest rung where she could kick her leg over the gate. Once she got there, as she lifted her leg, with a little lift from me, I guided it on over the gate. Then she grabbed her father’s neck, and she was able to get her other leg over the gate, and even as she was still coming over, she started laughing as she held her father.
How many times do I come upon a challenge that just plain frightens me and makes me say, “I can’t do it.” But, the Lord brings brothers and sisters to come and help. Some of these helpers are family; folks that I know very well, and others that the Lord uses in my life are people that He puts in my life for that one moment. Then, once I get my eyes off the actual challenge and look up, I finally see my Father with His hands outstretched saying to me, “Come to me – trust me – my arms are strong enough to hold you.”
Praise the Lord for His constant faithfulness to His children.

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